It has been long time since I have written something. Have been busy with personal work out of which most important has been shifting to a row house which we recently bought. When I write this writeup, some thoughts are coming to my mind. The evenings when I used to sit with Aparna in the living room of erstwhile home (apartment in Airport Road) and wonder whether we will ever live in an independent house in Bangalore. Well, with lot of pondering about different possibilities we used to conclude that, it is impossible.
Many of crucial decisions in my life has been pretty quick. The decision regarding this house was also similar.
We had visited my friend Jeetu's house in the same campus. We did not have any thought of changing our place of stay at that point. We saw the house and told Jeetu that it looks great and very spacious.
Aparna has been always a very adventurous character. Her curiosity in exploring ways of purchasing this row house has to be really appreciated, because, had it not been there I would not have even thought of that as a possibility for even a nanosecond!! :)
We had some very intense discussions of the financial implications, etc. etc. But then we thought this probably is a last opportunity for us to think of investing in a proper house which will be a long term investment. It had risk, because we had to sell our apartment before investing in this house, but my wife's optimism is just amazing. She was very convinced that we will be able to sell our apartment in a short span.
We met a bank officer to check on terms of loan and he gave me all math for the loan. My mental computer started making quick computations to see the book keeping and cash flow. It looked to be feasible.
With God's grace we could sell our apartment to a family friend and we shifted to our new dwelling on May 2008. Sidu was delighted because he had a lot of space to run within and outside home. I really enjoy the tranquil atmosphere. Aparna has a space for her arts school.
Having a garden in front of the house is a dream come true and I really enjoy seeing variety of flowers blossoming. Small joys of life which gives a sense of contentment!! It bring's back momories in my mind about my childhood days in Eloor (See Another Day in Paradise).
I like the drive towards our house because all along there are trees on both sides. The area is called Brookefields. Aparna has been busy all these days finding innovative ways of beautifying the house and she has been successful!! Her arts school has strarted. It is called Tarang School Of Arts.
I will be more regular in writing my thoughts and experiences!!
Till then....... Bye!!