Thursday, January 21, 2010


What does identity mean? There is physical identity which is the physical structure which our eyes use to identify a person. But is that what his identity is. Infact scientific definition of equivalence fail. If two human entities are physically equivalent does not mean they are identical. I have been trying to comprehend this interesting fact and trying to logically reason out, then what is identity of human. After sufficient thought I came to this conclusion. Human identity is a composition of his/her's measure in various dimensions that human life has. Life can be viewed as n dimensional space. Some examples for these dimensions are visual creativity (arts), logical conclusive reasoning (science), unbounded imagination (arts),
adventure (sports), philosophic thinking, etc. I know it is a crude thought which I feel in the course of time will get refined. Every human being has a place in this n dimensional space. Human's response to an external stimuli is governed by the dimensions he has and the measure of them. I have found that more dimensions a person has more receptive he/she is and more wiser he/she becomes. Many of these dimensions are related. When you have deeper understanding, you feel they converge. Dimensions that someone possesses also has an important role to play in him/her to connect with others through a relationship. Deep relationship emerge when there are similarities in dimensions else it does not stay.