Are humans receptors to good vibes in a social network? I feel the probability for this is falling day by day. Let us take a simple example. A sincere smile from someone is a good vibe, with a lot of positiveness. How many of us respond to a sincere smile, whole heartedly? I have often seen, goodness in someone perceived as weakness. A sincere smile is like an oasis in a desert. A noble gesture which can do wonders. I have tried to observe how people respond to a smile in my city life, and those observations have lead to certain dismal realizations. Often subject of stimuli, interprets it as an acknowledgement to his/her's distinguished existence, rather than, humiltiy and goodness of the source. This is a grossly skewed interpretation leading to an inappropritate response.
Is this so important in a social context? Yes it is. This is my strong belief. Sum total of goodness in a society derives out of these small noble gestures.
Somebody gives you a good smile that is originating from goodness in him, respond without any hesitation and with utmost sincerity. Let that be one more ray of goodness among a number of them that emerge out of your inner consciousness and WORLD WILL BE A BETTER PLACE!!!
what do you mean by goodness in him? And why do you judge people by just a smile ?
Goodness in him is a wave of positiveness. I am not judging anybody just by a smile. But smile is defenitely very important part of the emotional medium which humans use to exchange there views, feelings, etc. That is precisely why I considered smile as the point of discussion
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